under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
Kara- An ethical dilemma that's closer than you may be thinking
by fulltimestudent inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w7we1op7d4
under the radar
I definitely see some parallels... -
My mom passed away yesterday....
by minimus inthank you all for your sincere encouragement during these last few weeks.
finally, she is at peace.
i was with her , holding her hand when she died.
under the radar
So sorry for your loss, minimus. Your being there and holding her hand as the end drew near must have comforted her and eased her passing. She departed free of the fear of being alone and unloved. This was a precious last gift from you to her. Perhaps the peace of knowing she passed loved and appreciated was her final gift to you.
Stay strong, my friend.
Still cannot post from iOS device
by under the radar inhello simon.
first off, let me thank you again for all your time and effort in maintaining this site.
i really appreciate it and am a frequent visitor.
under the radar
Hi Viviane! What version of iOS are you using on your iPad Air 2? Which browser do you use when visiting this site? Are you able to post under "Have Your Say"?
If so, that's great. But I don't understand why I am unable to do so. I'm using an iPad Air 2 with iOS 9.0.2 installed. I cannot post, and the "Have Your Say" box does not appear, no matter what browser I/m browsing.
I have an idea it's something related to iOS 8 and 9, but I don't know for certain. If you're using one of those too, then I'm sure in the dark.
Still cannot post from iOS device
by under the radar inhello simon.
first off, let me thank you again for all your time and effort in maintaining this site.
i really appreciate it and am a frequent visitor.
under the radar
cappytan: No, I have never "jailbroken" any of my devices. I guess I'm not adventurous enough.
Crisis of Conscience: I should probably find another browser as well. I hadn't realized Atomic Web was no longer supported on iOS devices. In fact, I just discovered today that it is no longer available from the App Store.
Simon: I totally understand that you can't spend time tweaking the system for every obscure browser out there. I was just wondering if you knew why it had stopped working when it had worked just fine before. I will be happy to switch to whatever iOS browser works best. I don't post all that often, but I like to be able to post something from my mobile devices from time to time. Thanks again for your hard work and dedication to keeping this valuable resource up and running. And I really appreciate your reply. Please consider notifying everyone when the revamp has been completed and perhaps telling us which mobile browsers that are known to work well here.
Still cannot post from iOS device
by under the radar inhello simon.
first off, let me thank you again for all your time and effort in maintaining this site.
i really appreciate it and am a frequent visitor.
under the radar
Hello Simon. First off, let me thank you again for all your time and effort in maintaining this site. I really appreciate it and am a frequent visitor. I don't post gratuitously, but I do comment when I think I have something to add to the conversation.
I don't know if you ever saw my post from several months ago, but I'm still having the same problem. When visiting this site on my iPad Air 2, I use the Atomic Web browser, set to identify itself as Firefox 15. It had been working great, but lately the "Have Your Say" box does not appear, so there is no way I can comment on any thread from my iPad.
I have exactly the same issue on my iPhone 6S. Both devices are running the latest version of iOS (9.02) as well as Atomic Web (7.0.1). I am using the ".com" address instead of the former ".net" address.
Is there some setting or other adjustment I need to make so I can comment from time to time? Turning off AdBlock, closing the browser, and then reopening the browser has no effect other than allowing the ads to appear. The same thing happens when I enable pop-ups. The "Have Your Say" comment box never appears.
I have the same issue when viewing the site using iOS Safari, but no problem at all when using OS X Safari even though it has AdBlock turned on and pop-ups are blocked.
Feel free to respond via Private Message if you prefer. Thanks for looking into this for me.
Watchtower Toledo buildings renovation designed by STATE-OF-THE-ART designer office
by Gorbatchov infor people who already are bedazzled by the current stream of information about watchtower / jw.org real estate planning, renovation and the emergency stop on the building programma called out, i found today that the renovation design of the (impressive!
) toledo buildings for the watchtower real estate staff, is designed by a state of the art designer.
under the radar
I'm no architectural expert, but I too think the building is "butt-ugly." It does indeed remind me of something from the Soviet bloc. -
My Mom Is Dying
by minimus ini just wanted to say that my dear 89 year old mom is terminally ill and will soon pass.
she is on morphine and hanging on.
she has been a devout witness for about 60 years and a wonderful mother.
under the radar
I am so sorry for your loss, minimus. I lost my own parents within 3 years of each other. They were 81 and 86.
I found comfort in realizing that they were not truly gone, in the sense that they live on in my heart and mind every time I think of them or dream of them or watch a family video from when they were healthy and vibrant loving parents to me and my siblings. Nothing can take those memories away.
Doctors believe that even the very ill or comatose are often aware of their surroundings and hear and understand conversations in the room. Even if you don't think she can hear you, talk to her and let her know how much you love and appreciate her. Stroke her head and hands as you speak to her if that's possible under the circumstances. It will comfort you both.
May she have a painless and peaceful passing, and may you find joy and consolation in the love you shared.
Paint, Barney, and Jehovah
by John Aquila ini made a quick run to lowes to buy some paint and ran into a brother.
he is one of those elders that is very, very, petty.
if he drops by your house unexpected and notices that your kids are watching one of the star wars movies, he will counsel you for allowing your kids to watch any movie that has to do with war he will then make sure you are not recommended for any privilege.
under the radar
Well done, John. Maybe, just maybe, Barney will do more research and discover the truth about the Truth© all on his own. One can hope... -
A True Story: PORTRAIT OF A GIRL and her dog
by Terry inportrait of a girl and her dog.
(a true story by terry edwin walstrom).
her name was cheryl ann draper and she was about 11 years old the day she begged her daddy, who worked at a gas station, to let her go with him to work.
under the radar
Wow! Terry, just when I had decided yet again that your postings were too lofty for my pea brain to "get," here you go and write the finest piece of prose I've read in a very long time. It had to come from deep down in your heart and soul, and it truly moved me. Thank you so much for sharing. Now many of us will remember Cheryl Ann Draper. We may never have known her, but she now lives in our hearts and minds just the same.
I agree with Bonsai and WingCommander that your writing style in pieces like this is very much like that of Stephen King. Please consider that a high compliment. You write with a poignancy that envelops the reader and draws them into the tale. That is not something one learns in Journalism 101. My hat's off to you, Sir.
I hope you will consider entering this essay and, of course, Cheryl Ann's picture, in some writing or photography exhibition. Maybe even a competition. Don't let anyone tell you it would cheapen her story. Rather, it would share her with the larger world and allow her to touch even more hearts. Consider it a tribute to what might have been.
Thanks again, my friend. You made my day.
Royal Commission taking our emails to heart
by wannaexit induring the proceedings of australian royal commission, as many of you, i also took time to share with the office of mr stewart, my thoughts and perspective on what what being said and not said by the witness elders on the stand.
within a day a received a reply from office of angus stewart thanking and appreciating the insight from those on the "inside".
yesterday i received a further email that my correspondence was passed on to case study 29 (jehovah's witnesses) team for their consideration.. it sounds like they are taking all our collective experience and knowledge into account as the commission continues its work..
under the radar
While the hearing was still going on, before Jackson testified, I emailed the commission with some comments about how the Watchtower legal department instructs its people to comply with mandatory reporting requirements. They may comply with the letter of the law, but the way they go about it makes a mockery of the reporting requirements and deliberately flouts the spirit of the law.
The legal department has, or at least had, a form called the Child Abuse Telememo. They used this to guide elders calling in for advice on how to handle a child abuse accusation. Included on the form is one set of instructions for "reporting" states and another with different instructions for "non-reporting" states. If the incident occurred in a "reporting" state, the elder is instructed to make the mandatory report anonymously, such as from a phone booth, with another elder as witness. They are told to document when and to whom it was reported, sign the notes, and put it in the congregation files, just in case they have to prove later that they complied with the law.
I believe this in and of itself proves that they are more concerned with protecting the reputation of the congregation than protecting the victims.
Anyway, I attached a copy of this telememo to the email I sent the Commission. I got a very gracious reply, specifically mentioning the telememo by name. They said they would forward it to the appropriate parties.
I am very impressed with the way the Commission is handling things. They seem to take their responsibilities very seriously, and that's a very good thing.